Monday, May 31, 2010

Today, Jeremiah Weed, the original Southern Gentleman and proud father of Jeremiah Weed Bourbon Whiskey and Cherry Mash Bourbon Whiskey, publicly demanded a formal apology from shamed cyclist Floyd Landis for falsely blaming whiskey as a possible cause of his positive test for synthetic testosterone in 2006, which resulted in the stripping of his 2006 Tour de France champion title.

"In light of Mr. Landis' recent admission that the cause of his positive test was indeed a result of his use of performance-enhancing drugs, I believe he owes the world of whiskey a formal apology for his careless defamation of our passion," says Jeremiah Weed. "Jeremiah Weed is a brand built on Southern Hospitality and good, clean fun. I said it then and I'll say it now - Weed does not cause a false positive."

Mr. Weed further stated, "When Floyd Landis' camp made those allegations in 2006, we didn't know how whiskey consumers would react. Luckily, our loyal consumers were able to see through Landis's statements and continued to enjoy our Bourbon Whiskey and Cherry Mash Flavored Bourbon Whiskey. "


Unknown said...

hot news instant

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