DotCMS is a
portal-based Web Content Management System. It offers a compelling set of features out of the box all on an extensible platform that can be customized to suit just about any
Web CMS need - all provided you know your JSP. dotCMS, has gone down the commercialisation route of offering “on-demand” installs. At first impressions, dotCMS’s admin screens appeared relatively complex- I didn’t automatically know where to go and what to do when I had logged in, and for that reason - regardless of the functionality it took some time to get to grips with.
DotCMSTechnology : J2EE/Java
RDMS: MySQL, Postgresql, MSSQL or Oracle.
Setup time: 60 minutes+
Supported OS: Windows or UNIX servers
Features: * Site-wide Templating
* Streaming MP3 Player
* Content Relationships
* Inline Content Editing
* Content versioning
http://www.dotcms.org Want to get a DotCMS? you can download file now from here
dotCMS Open Source Releases
There's a sad news from our blogger friend. Please visit http://juliana-dewi-2806.blogspot.com/2009/07/hendro-darsono-in-memoriam.html
wah keren nih gratis g yah...
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