Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yesterday we discussed about the Meta tag description. For the second post about meta tags, we discuss about the Keyword. As we know, to search something on search engines, someone need keyword. So to win the searching result we can maximize the keyword on meta tag.

Keyword meta tag is very important presence, because it definitive the keywords that can be found on the web page search engine. Basic syntax of the keyword meta tag is as follows:

<meta name="keywords" content="info baru photoshop cs web design...">

or there is also writing a separator with commas:

<META name="keywords" content="info new Photoshop cs,web design, ...">

Both work the same and no influence on the search engines. Aimed use commas to those keywords is easier to read. What you need to be underline to consider here is "do not repeat a word more than 3 times," because it will be considered "spamming". Examples of the use of meta tags that one keyword is:

<META name="keywords" content="info, Info baru, new info about cs, info whiz web, info most new Internet world ">

<META name="keywords" content="info the new world of the Internet ">

In here is seen that the word "info", repeated more than 3 times. The following example will not be considered spamming by search engines:

<META name="keywords" content="info, Info baru, new info about cs, info whiz web, info most new Internet world ">

<META name="keywords" content="info the new world of the Internet ">

Last but not least is less importance on keywords is not to create keyword that is not related to the content of "your web page." This will also be considered as spamming. Suppose your website contains information about tourism in Bali, never add "MP3", "Download Mp3 Music," "Free Mp3 Music" or "Britney Spears" as a keyword because those keywords keyword is a favorite on the Internet and many searching.

Okay, the last post about meta tag is Robots. Next on info baru :D


Imnoval said...

:-t :-t wek datang-datang ko langsung posting bahasa inggris kemana ja bang kangen nih sama abang :-*

Duan said...

nice info, di translate dulu ya:) heehehhe

Anonymous said...

Waduh dah mulai postingan b.inggris nya.
gak takut ditinggal pengunjung setia Eko :D


Anonymous said...

waks kamu keracunan apa ko..langsung berubah pake bahasa mars :D

Anonymous said...

aduh bingun aku mo ngomong apa ini, just let it flow aja ya lol

Anonymous said...

nek ngomong iku bahasa menungsa ta lah cah..

Anonymous said...

importance? bener itu tulisannya ya? he,..he.. btw nice dech... bahasanya...

Anonymous said...

nice tutor n good english ...ehehe

Anonymous said...

Hahaha manteb English Language nya ;))

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