Thursday, May 14, 2009

How would you like for your design to feature as's new logo?

Our recent site re-design has gone so well that we're changing even more, starting with our logo. The current crest has served us well, but it's time for something new. would be nothing without its readers, so we feel that it would be a great idea if one lucky, talented fan makes their mark on world football by designing the new logo.

Why We Need Your Help represents the global football fan. With our 20+ editions in several languages right across the world, we bring the passion of the world's game to you, wherever you are.

More importantly, you bring it to us. Our fans are the lifeblood of our site and our community: through comments, forums, and more, everyone has a voice.

We want this to be the same: the logo, the symbolic expression of our company, is best expressed by the fans. We'll make it easy to enter: you don't need to be a professional graphics designer to take part. Far from it - anyone can send their logo idea to us, and we intend to help you do so.

The winner will not only have their design placed on as our new logo, but will also carry off a prize of $2,500. As a further incentive, 20 other entrants will receive a $100 gift certificate for the Shop.

Ready to enter?

How To Get Started


download skripsi said...

thanks for share, langsung menuju ke tkp

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