Sunday, November 30, 2008

If you have just created a site and want to begin marketing it or if you already have a site that isn’t getting enough traffic, then you are at the right place. Here we have a list of our top 10 Search Engine Optimization techniques to get well on your way to being number 1 on top search engines.

  1. Choose your keywords. You need to do some research into which keywords you are going to try to become popular on the search engines with. There is no point in choosing a popluar word that already has thousands of results for yet there is no point in choosing keywords that nobody searches for. You need to find your niche that you can succeed in.
  2. Choose your domain. When choosing a domain, try to pick one that is either completely unique or best describes what you are doing. DO NOT try and pick one that sounds like somebody elses because you will either get no traffic or irrelevant traffic. If you can, try and put your keywords in your domain name.
  3. Enter quality unique content. You need to add quality unique content that is relevant to your site. Within this content you should try to have a good keyword density. This means that you should have your chosen keywords in your text as much as naturally possible but don’t over do it or you will be penalised.
  4. Add meta tags to your pages. Make sure your pages have meta titles, descriptions and keywords as these are what will be picked up by search engines. Once again don’t pick too many keywords as a few specific ones are better than a lot of unrealistic ones.
  5. Create sitemaps. You should create sitemaps for your website so that search engines can find all the pages on your site easily. There are two sorts of sitemaps, HTML and XML. HTML are mainly for your users and XML is a list of your pages that you submit to search engines so that they know where to look. There are a variety of free sitemap generators online that will do all the work for you.
  6. Submit to major search engines. Once your site is optimised, you need to submit your site to search engines so that they can add you to their list of sites to crawl. This will hopefully get you indexed relatively quickly. Submission sites:
  7. Build up inbound links. Now that you are submitted, you need to make sure people know about it. Add your link to free directories that are specific to your target market. For example if you are a website designer, submit your site to website design directories.
  8. Register to forums. Some forums allow you to place your website’s URL in your signature. If possible, you should become a member of a forum that discusses topics relating to your website and then add your website to your signature. This brings both traffic and quality links.
  9. Submit to DMOZ. DMOZ is an online website directory that is highly ranked with search engines. Not everybody can register and DMOZ will evaluate your site and judge whether they think it is suitable for their directory. If it is and your are linked to from their site, the major search engines will take this on board and reward you with higher rankings. However there is no point in submitting to DMOZ until you have established your website and are getting a steady income of traffic.
  10. Keep your site updated. This applies to both your content and the links to your site. Search engines will crawl your site more often if you are updating it more often and adding new content. You should also make sure that you keep working on your link building because over time this will help you the most.

The main thing to remember with Search Engine Optimisation is that it takes time to get ranked highly with search engines. You just have to keep working on it and eventually you will get there. Don’t fall for these scams that tell you they can get you to number one in a short period of time because the search engines aren’t stupid and you could end up getting your site blacklisted.

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Anonymous said...



cuman ada tips buat ngadepi DMOZ.Org gak ??

Anonymous said...

blm pernah nyobain DMOZ blas. apaan sih itu??

Anonymous said...

@tipis : DMOZ is an online website directory that is highly ranked with search engines

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the info. most of them i've never know before.

he".. bener gak Pak englishnya??

salam sukses.


Anonymous said...

ini baru namanya info TOP,hidup info baru.....salam kenal ya mas....jangan bosen ngasih ilmu ke kita2 yang newbie ini...hehehe

Anonymous said...

Nice Info. But it's not enough to get good SERP.

Anonymous said...

Emang makin mantaps aja nih mas eko... :D


Sukses selalu ya .....

Anonymous said...

sing ngerti mas....
he he:))


Anonymous said...

I can not speak english well mas..

tapi bahasa inggris aja dah mantep banget.,. SIP!! :D

Anonymous said...

wah ngece ini si Fachia, gimana di kalimantan enak ga :D

Anonymous said...

Wah bagus juga tuh tips nya...

Anonymous said...

sebagian dah dicoba, sebagian lagi blum....
kalo ada waktu blogwalking juga

Anonymous said...

@Indra & Article : Respon yang sangat cepat :) baru bw langsung di samber balik, thanks mas komennya dan salam kenal juga :)

Anonymous said...

how to get listed in DMOZ?

Anonymous said...

@izandi : To get listed in DMOZ, you can click here for Indonesian version

Anonymous said...

wow!.. A nice and useful blog. The tips are also very nice. I agree with your blog. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

good artikel, plz check my site here

easyblogtrick said...

manteeepp..ini yang kucari..

thanks dah berbagi. Lam kenal

easy blog trick

Khairul Anwar said...

Thanks you for nice tips

DaNy ExeL said...

"""mantap info :D nya makasie ya...,

boleh tukeran link nya..., ;) ..

thanx b4...""

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